
stakeholders 利害関係者 ; 消費者(顧客)、従業員、株主、債権者、仕入先、得意先、地域社会、行政機関など
ex. I would like to work in the music industry and I should be able to understand all the stakeholders (clients, partners, co-workers…).
distress 苦痛
ex. The victims of the attack were in an obvious state of distress.
anxiety 心配,不安
ex. There was a sense of anxiety in the room before the press conference.
clinical research 臨床調査; 臨床研究; 医療調査
ex. The new drug is ready for clinical research, so we will need to find volunteers.
index 索引、見出し、添字、指数
ex. The number of new houses being built is a good index of a country’s prosperity.
– appropriate words 適切な言葉.
– appropriate to the occasion その場合にふさわしい.
severity 厳しさ、厳格さ、激しさ、ひどさ、(批評などの)痛烈さ、(仕事・試験などの)苦しさ、つらさ、(服装などの)地味、簡素、厳しい経験
– the severity of a punishment
– the severity of the pain
align (…を)一直線にする、(…を)一列に整列させる、(…を)(…と)一直線にする、(…と)提携させる、(…と) 提携する
ex. Germany was aligned with Japan in World War II. 
marital status 結婚歴
shake up 振って混ぜる、振って作る、振って形を直す、ろうばいさせる、ぎくりとさせる、奮い立たす、覚醒させる、大刷新する
– to make drastic changes in an organization, a profession, etc.
ex. The new manager is already shaking things up in the office.
drastic 思い切った、徹底的な、抜本的な、激烈な、猛烈な
ex. Drastic measures were necessary to limit the expenses and to provide new sources of income.
nesting site 営巣地
enunciate (はっきり)発音する
dachas ; a seasonal or year-round second home, often located in the exurbs of Russian and other post-Soviet cities.
soar 高く上がる,舞い上がる
ex. Housing prices have soared in the last year, so at the moment we are looking to rent a home rather than buy one.
fliers フライヤー
recipient ; a person who receives something
ex. The recipient of the award is a well-known film producer.
terminology (専門)用語
ex. John often uses terminology none of his friends understand.
⇄  in layman’s term 平たく[かみ砕いて・素人でも分かる言葉で]言えば
industrious – productive – diligent – hard working ; 勤勉な、熱心な


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